Health or Disease in Maplewood MN
Health or Disease in Maplewood MN

Choices. You make hundreds of choices every single day in Maplewood MN. Some choices make minor impacts on your life, other choices make major impacts. Regardless of the choice and the size of its impact, your life is a lot like one of those "Choose your own adventure" books you used to read back in Elementary school. The only difference between those books and your life is when you choose the wrong page to turn to in those books the story ended, but you could always start over again. In life, if you choose the wrong "page", there may not be an opportunity for a re-do.
Live Your Life in Maplewood MN
People need to be reminded that we all come with an expiration date, no one is immortal. Think of it like this, when you were born into this world your "Life Clock" started ticking backward from whatever date and time in the future you are meant to pass away. No one knows exactly when it will be their time to go, but we all know that it will happen.
We know our bodies are not indestructible and that they go through a process of degeneration as we age, therefore we MUST take care of our bodies. Every day you have a choice...... You have the choice to either get stronger or weaker. You have the choice to get healthier or sicker. You have the choice to speed up the degeneration process or to slow it down. You have the choice to add more time onto your "Life Clock" or take more time off of it. What choices are you making?
Today's picture shows a fork in the road, one road leads to Health, the other road, Disease. Which road are you taking today?
- You chose not to workout today....therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose to eat unhealthy today....therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose to smoke cigarettes today....therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose a negative attitude today....therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose to stay up all night...therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose to leave damage/pressure on your nerves....therefore you chose Disease.
- You chose to drink nothing but sodas today....therefore you chose Disease.
- You worked out chose Health.
- You ate healthy chose Health.
- You did not smoke cigarettes chose Health
- You have a positive attitude chose Health.
- You slept for at least 7 hours chose Health.
- You removed the damage/pressure on your nerves chose Health.
- You drank water all day chose Health.
- Chose health, add time onto your "Life Clock", enjoy a higher quality of life.
Maplewood, MN 55109
Dr. Jason Schwietz
Maplewood MN Chiropractor
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Maplewood Chiropractic Health Center
1900 County Rd D E #150B
Maplewood, MN 55109