Chiropractic and Physical Therapy in Maplewood MN; What’s the difference?
Chiropractic and Physical Therapy; Whats the Difference in Maplewood MN

Some patients often wonder what the difference between these two types of therapies in Maplewood MN is. A patient may choose to do one over the other or they may incorporate both into their care. So which one is the better fit for you, which one do you think will provide better, long term results. To determine that let's look at what both of these have to offer;
Physical Therapy VS Chiropractic in Maplewood MN
With Physical Therapy, the main focus of the care will be to reduce your pain by strengthening muscles, stretching muscles, and increasing your range of motion. In most cases, some forms of therapeutic modalities, such as ice, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, traction, may be used, as well as given a specific home program. Based on my research it looks as though the general amount of visits recommended are 6 visits, gives or take, depending on your injury.
With Chiropractic Care, the main focus of your care will be to reduce subluxation (misalignment) of your spine by performing Chiropractic adjustments. Subluxation of the spine will cause pain pinching nerves, affecting discs, causing muscle imbalances, but worst of all, pressure on your nerve roots has been documented to affect how well the nerve transmits signals to and from your body. As you may very well know, nerves that come off your spinal cord relay messages to every single organ and muscle inside of your body, so a damaged nerve can affect any part of your body. A detailed history, exam, and x-rays will help determine the source of the problem. Chiropractor’s number one job is to reduce the subluxation, along with helping strengthening muscles, stretching muscles, and increasing range of motion. This is done by performing range of motion exercises, traction, head-weighting, Chiropractic adjustments, and also prescribing specific home programs.
Every Chiropractor is different, the techniques used may vary, the number of visits you need may vary, and exercises may or may not be prescribed. At Trinity Chiropractic we do prescribe at-home exercises for all patients. Spinal correction/maintenance is not a one-time per year thing, it is an everyday thing.
Imagine being 20 pounds overweight and you decided you are going to get rid of that weight so you joined a gym. Now if you were to go to the gym one time per year, how much weight would you lose? None. If you go to that gym 6 times per year, how much weight would you lose? Again, probably none. What would it take to lose those 20 pounds? Commitment. You would need to go workout 5 times per week for months! Now think about your spine; if you are 20, 30, 40 years old or older, and you have not been taking care of your spine, and you have a lot of damage, how on Earth can that damage be fixed in one visit? Six visits? If it took years for the damage to show up, it will take time to reverse the damage as well.
Maplewood Chiropractic Health Center
Dr. Jason Schwietz
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Maplewood Chiropractic Health Center
1900 County Rd D E #150B
Maplewood, MN 55109