Warning Signs in Maplewood MN
Warning Signs in Maplewood MN

Sometimes when I am out in the Maplewood MN community meeting people and talking about health, I will run across a person or two that tell me they would rather not talk about their health to a chiropractor. More specifically these people generally say something like "I don't want to know if there is a problem" or "I don't care if there is a problem." Granted it is your life and your body, not mine, people have the right to not want to talk about certain things, however, if you do have a health issue or suffering from symptoms then you should probably seek help.
Your Attitude can endanger your health in Maplewood MN
This "I don't care" or "I don't want to know" attitude is truly an attitude that will certainly endanger your health. If you were to have a small problem today, what is going to happen to that small problem over time as it goes unaddressed? It will turn into a bigger problem. By waiting for a small problem to turn into a bigger problem, you are only hurting yourself.
Imagine driving your car and the check engine light comes on, what are you going to do? Hopefully, you are going to call your mechanic and have your engine looked at. Would you ever just put a piece of tape over the light so you can ignore it? No. Or would you ever cut the wires in your dashboard so the check engine light can no longer light up? Hopefully not. That light is there for a reason, it is telling you something is not right here. Maybe you have an electrical problem, maybe your engine is running too hot, maybe your oil is low, regardless of what the problem is, the light is there to tell you there is a problem.
What could happen to your car if your check engine light does turn on and you ignore it? There a quite a few possibilities here. First of all, maybe nothing will happen to your car if you keep driving it. Are you really going to risk that though? Maybe it's a small problem, but as you keep driving it over time it results in a big problem. Or perhaps it is a major problem already and if you keep driving it you will ruin your engine.
Don't let small problems turn into big problems
One thing is for certain though when it comes to cars and your body, the smaller the problem the easier the fix and the less money you will have to spend to fix it. If you have a small problem today, like you need an oil change, that will cost you roughly $25. But don't change your oil, keep driving with the old oil in your car, and eventually, you ruin your engine. Now your $25 problem just turned into you need to buy expensive parts or a whole new car, which is way more expensive. And there lies the difference between your car and your body. With your car, if a small problem turns into a big problem which eventually ruins your car, you can always buy parts to fix it or buy a new car. If a small problem inside of your body turns into a big problem and it "ruins" your body, well good luck buying new parts or a new body.
And just like your car, some people's "check engine lights" light up daily due to symptoms like headaches, neck & back pain, shooting/radiating pain, heart issues, breathing issues, hormone issues, digestive issues, etc. Most people immediately seek help from their medical doctor and they get some type of medication for their problem. And so if you have a problem that is causing your symptoms and you take a medication that alleviates your symptom, is your problem still there? Yes.
If you had an awful pain inside of your mouth and you went to your dentist and your dentist tells you that you have a rotten tooth that is causing all of your pain, but instead of addressing the rotten tooth the dentist just shoots you up with Novocaine, what will happen? Sure you will not feel the pain in your mouth for a few hours, but as soon as the Novocaine wears off, what do you feel again? Pain. Why? Because Novocaine did not address the cause of your problem. So now you are returning to that dentist every day for another shot of Novocaine, just to not have pain for a few hours, when maybe if you went to a different dentist they may extract your tooth, therefore addressing the real problem. So here you are, every day taking a medication, which just like Novocaine, alleviates your symptoms temporarily, may make you feel better, but does not address the cause of your problem. And just like the Novocaine example, you need to keep taking & taking & taking the medication, once, twice, three times a day.....for days, weeks, months, years. All the while your problem is still there, going from a small problem into a big problem.
To learn more about Dr. Jason Schwietz, a Chiropractor in Maplewood MN call us today or stop in and say Hi!
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 11:00am
4:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 2:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Maplewood Chiropractic Health Center
1900 County Rd D E #150B
Maplewood, MN 55109